2014 University Conference

PROVO, Utah (Aug. 26, 2014)—At the 2014 Annual University Conference, BYU President Kevin Worthen welcomed faculty back to campus and presented university awards. Four faculty members from the College of Humanities were recognized for their contributions to the university.

Religious Education Transfer Professor

Sirpa T. Grierson (English)

Alcuin Fellowship

Brian Jackson (English)

Nathaniel T. Kramer (Humanities, Classics, and Comparative Literature)

Creative Works Award

R. Kirk Belnap (Asian and Near Eastern Studies)

After announcing faculty awards, President Worthen took the opportunity to speak to faculty and staff. He spoke of BYU’s unique mission and how everything and everyone at the university should work towards that mission.

He reminded the faculty that the mission statement focuses on the students. He spoke of the incoming class and said, “Our students are extraordinary people before they come to campus…Are we doing all we can to help them?” He told faculty that they should not be afraid to stretch their students and require their best so as to help them reach their full potential. “Our unique end is to rise to the full potential as sons and daughters of God,” Worthen said.

Worthen gave faculty three ways to better their roles on campus: Know the mission statement, consider ways to enhance the student experience and seek inspiration.

“If we focus in on our mission, we will raise the stature of our university and bless the lives of our students,” Worthen said.

After the general session, faculty were invited to hear remarks from Brent Webb, academic vice president. Webb spoke on the history of learning among the saints and BYU’s heritage. He spoke of many of the faculty who sacrificed to help establish BYU as a successful university.

Webb said, “Today, there is no less need for a consecrated faculty—consecrated meaning to make our offering sacred.” He added, “BYU’s mission cannot be achieved nor reach its prophetic destiny without a consecrated faculty.”

He concluded, “May we pursue excellence with energy and confidence of success. Shall we not go on in so great a cause?”

President Worthen closed the session, in which he shared his love for BYU, his belief in the destiny of the university, and his testimony of Jesus Christ and His gospel.

For more information on the 2014 Annual University Conference, visit the website.