
Humanities students are uniquely passionate about what they study. Their dedication to their discipline, whether it be linguistics, classical studies, or Russian, drives them and motivates them to be excellent students and scholars.Their passion makes them learn to think clearly, act well, and appreciate life. “To me [Humanities] gives you one of the broadest and most important foundations that you can have in a higher education. Having a foundation in the liberal arts, especially the humanities—and being steeped in history and art and culture and critical thinking—prepares you, if not specifically for any one things, it prepares you for almost anything.” -Brigham Taylor, Disney Executive Producer (BA ’92) Looking for ways you can #practicehumanities? Click here to download a list of 50 activities you can do to get involved in the human conversation.

Advisement & Careers

The College of Humanities Advisement and Career Center is a place where students can find information on career planning, graduate programs, scholarships, internships and many other opportunities.

Humanities+ Blog

Whether it's H+ or +H, the humanities should play an important role in everybody's education.